Coburg Road Quarry 90436 Coburg Rd Eugene, OR 97408 Office Phone 541-484-2000 Dispatch & Delivery 541-484-2027 Email:[email protected] |
![]() Products
Coburg Road Quarry offers all sizes of crushed basalt rock, pit run and rip rap. If you want the finest angular material for your driveways, steep inclines, roads, building pads, embankments and walking paths, we can help you. We provide excellent applications for decorative uses such as garden edging, borders and water sculptures. Our services include reliable dispatch and delivery. We have operated truck and equipment rental available. Rip Rap classes upon gradations by mass (weight) of rock according to the following: Class Class Class Class Class Percent 50 100 200 700 2000 (by weight) Weight of rock per pound 50-30 100-60 200-140 700-500 2000-1400 20.0 30-15 60-25 140-80 500-200 1400-700 30.0 15-2 25-2 80-8 200-20 700-40 40.0 2-0 2-0 8-0 20-0 40-0 10.0 The previous specifications are ODOT spec that we follow. Control of gradation will be by visual inspection. Different gradations are available upon special requests. Our rock prices are very reasonable and include: SIZE 3/4" Minus 3/4" Minus Construction 1/4" Minus 1-1/2" Minus 3" Minus 6" Minus 1-1/2" Open 3/4" Open 3" Open 6" Open Rip Rap 12" Rip Rap 1'-2' Rip Rap 2'-3' Rip Rap 4' Rip Rap 5'+ ODOT Class Rip Rap Jaw Run Stone Embankment Pit Run Coburg Shale Landscape Boulders-all sizes Truck Rental End Dump (4 axle 15 tons) End Dump (5 axle 17 tons) Truck & Transfer (32 tons) Truck & Pup (32 tons) Side Dump (27 tons) Dump Site Available for a nominal fee |